Tobacco factories and cigar trade Andorra

The cultivation of real tobacco and its processing have been rooted in the traditions of Andorra since the 17th century. The former Reig de Sant Julia tobacco factory (Rafaelo house), very prosperous between 1900 and until its closure in 1957, has now become a museum of Andorra presenting the activity of the workers of the time. This high place of the principality traces the different stages of the manufacture of Andorran cigars, the planting, the carding with combs of the chopped tobacco then the mechanical dusting of the tobacco leaves. The arrival of the tobacco at the factory, the drying in the sun, the fermentation and the mixture of different tobacco leaves with natural flavors (essences of cedar and licorice for example).
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"

The Andorran tobacco industry has replaced traditional tobacco farms. From now on, this Andorran tobacco and cigar industry is changing through the introduction of mainly imported raw materials and mechanization which replaces the manual labor of peasants. Notable cigarettes and cigars include brands like Dux, Gitanes Egipcio, Don Fernanado, El Conseller, la Nueva Madama and Carmela. Later, local industrialists forged business ties with large North American firms to produce the world famous cigar brands. These regional or limited edition cigars were only distributed in certain countries such as Andorra (Bolivar Short Cigar, Vegas Robaina Short Cigar)
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series

Today, this flamboyant 20th century Andorran cigar-making industry is gone. Cigars and rolling tobacco are sold in civets along famous squares such as Meat in Escaldes in Andorra la Vella, Pas de la Casa or. The individual cellars contain nearly 450 cigar references from limited editions, special and regional series.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"

The cultivation and the first operations carried out according to the origin of the plant are part of the daily life of the peasants before the arrival of Andorran tobacco at the factory. Once the tobacco is purchased and delivered to the factories, the workers take care of adding aromas during the fermentation process on wooden trellises.
Then, the workers prepare the leaf according to the methods of tobacco preparation. That is to say chopping, airing and roasting over an area of several hundred square meters.
Product development is divided into three parts:
- chopped tobacco bar
- cigars and cigarettes
- packets of scaferlati.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series

Tobacco marketing in Andorra includes internal trade and cross-border exchange.

What is an Andorra regional edition cigar?

The mountain of Andorra, between France and Spain, is a territory producing high quality tobacco.
The terroir is a key element in the success of the cigar, as for a Cuban habano. The sowing of Andorran tobacco plants is the first stage, followed by the growth of the leaves and the harvest before the manufacture of Andorran cigars. The torcedor worker begins the artisanal manufacturing process by gathering all the raw materials and applying himself to the rolling.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez

With the monopoly of foreign firms, Andorra pure tobacco cigars are in competition with more renowned habanos. A new era is dawning, the beginning of home-made American brand tobacco, which connoisseurs call blend.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley

Andorra stands out for its large number of regional editions, six in total, which makes it the country with the most important of these series. For example, giant Bolivar has chosen to exclusively market its medium-strength regional edition habano corona Robaina Short from Vegas to Andorra. It is a cigar with multiple flavors: coffee, hazelnuts, vanilla, cinnamon, leather, cedar and chocolate.
Santo Domingo

Le Petit Cayo is the first regional edition of the El Rey Del Mundo brand reserved for the Andorran market. The production of this special 2018 series is limited to 2,400 boxes of 25 numbered cigars each. Each Andorran cigar measures 52 x 110 mm, similar to a Petit Robusto.

The Habanos SA factory exclusively distributes regional edition Cuban cigars with a limited number. They are sold in numbered boxes and intended for certain places and countries, with unique sizes.
Owning such a special and exclusive habano is a dream for many cigar aficionados.
Rafael González
San Cristobal

The Juan López brand has three special regional Andorra editions, the latest being the Malecon vitola in homage to the famous seafront promenade north of Havana. This Montesco Exclusivo Andorra is 13 cm long and relatively rare: its production is limited to 2,500 boxes of 20 cigars each numbered. This brand of habanos also sold its special editions in 2011 with the Robusto Superior and in 2010 with the Selección No.5.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones

Selling Andorra cigars: what are the advantages?

The sale of Andorra cigars is a lucrative market. Cigars and tobacco products from Andorra have the unfortunate reputation of being widely accessible. Statistics show that the price of tobacco represents approximately 17% of consumption in border markets such as Belgium, Spain and Andorra. The principality of Andorra is independent even though this small country straddles Spain and France.

Discover the cigars specially produced for the Andorran market in limited edition thanks to the specialized online sale. Here is a new mode of tasting at home. Enjoy a very rare cigar, specially rolled with a refining of flavored tobacco leaves, filler and wrapper blend.

In addition, the price is very competitive if we rely on the excellence of these very well preserved cigars in our cigar cellar that tobacco manufacturers Andorra and around the world occasionally produce for certain markets on the planet.